Mexican corn is a very popular snack or evening meal around the world that, as its name implies, belongs to the Mexican state, though the Mexican corn produced in Mexico is very different from the Mexican corn produced in Iran.
Canned corn in two cans Mushrooms; 4 g Mayonnaise; 1 tbsp Pizza cheese; tbsp Butter; 1 tbsp Enough salt and black pepper Enough thyme and lemon juice
Recipes of Mexican Corn
first stage First remove the corn grits from the can in the water and set aside to remove excess water, then put a suitable pot over heat and add the butter. After the butter has melted, add the corn and cook until the corn is soft. second stage Next, cut the mushrooms into rings or rings after washing, then add to the pot containing corn. Continue to sauté until the mushroom juice comes out and then add a little lemon juice. Lemon juice makes the color of the mushrooms not dark. third level At this point, reduce the heat to low and allow the mushrooms to soften for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes we simmer the mushrooms and corn again until the water that the mushrooms have thrown away completely evaporates. Step Four After the water in the pot has evaporated, add the mayonnaise with some salt, black pepper and thyme and mix well to combine. Then add pizza cheese and mix again. Step Five After adding the pizza cheese, put the lid on the pot and turn off the heat under the pot until the cheese is completely melted. After 5 minutes, remove the pot lid and serve the Mexican corn in the dish.
Tips for Improving Mexican Corn
Mexican corn with sausage The result is a good combination of sausage with corn, which is why most Mexican corn stalls add sausage to their corn. If you also want to add sausage to your Mexican corn, you can finely chop about 5 grams of minced sausage for the above ingredients and add to the pot after the mushroom juice has boiled. Bake the sausage for about 5 minutes in butter then continue the rest of the process as ordered. Mexican Spices As you know, Mexican cuisine is known for its spiciness, which is why the main Mexican spices are black pepper and red pepper. Thyme is one of the most important spices that makes Mexican corn tasty. In Mexico, dried onion powder and Mexican tea are also used to flavor Mexican corn. Using boiled corn If you have raw corn at home and do not want to use canned corn, sprinkle the corn with some water in a suitable pot, then set over high heat and reduce the heat after the pot has boiled. Cook over medium heat for 1 minute to 1 hour. To improve the taste of corn, it is best to pour some salt in boiling water. Source :
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