Dolmeh barg mo is one of the most delicious and famous foods of turkey which is also very popular in Iran as well. In order to see this cooking tutorial stay tuned.
Ingredients needed for 4 people
2 glasses of rice
100 grams of cotyledon
200 grams of dolmeh vegetables
200 grams of mincemeat
2 table spoons of sugar
Half a glass vinegar
Salt and black pepper as much as needed
Oil and turmeric as much as needed
The recipe of dolmeh barge mo
First phase
First pour the cotyledon in a bowl before cooking and fill the bowl with water until it fully covers the cotyledon so the bloating is removed. then pour them in a strainer and and rinse them and pour them in a pot.
Second phase
Now add 2 glasses of water to it and at first increase the heat so the water starts boiling and then lower it so over time the cotyledon cooks completely. After it’s fully cooked pour it in the strainer and wait until its excessive water is removed.
Third phase
During the time the cotyledon is being cooked, you have enough time to prepare the rest of the ingredients of dolmeh. Clean and wash and rinse dolmeh vegetable which includes onion, Savory, dill, mint, parsley, tarragon or it can be any other kind of fragrant vegetable.
Fourth phase
Then spread a piece of cloth and spread the vegetables on it and let them dry fully. Then chop the vegetable son the kitchen board into normal size, no too big or not too small in a way that their scent is preserved and felt in dolmeh.
Fifth phase
Pour rice in a bowl and pour some water on it and let it soak a bit. Pour water up until half of a pot and add some salt to it and place it on high heat so the water boils faster.
Sixth phase
While the water is boiling wash the rice and rinse it and pour it to the pot containing the boiling water and stir it a bit so the rice doesn’t stick to each other and let the rice be cooked for 6 minutes and become soft.
Seventh phase
In order to know if the rice is ready or not, after 6 minutes test the rice with your teeth and if the outer layer of it was fully soft and the core part was a bit hard, the rice is ready.
Eighth phase
Peel and wash the onion and dice it on the kitchen board and place a pan on gentle heat and pour some oil in it and let it heat up a bit and pour the onion in it and fry them until they become soft.
Ninth phase
Then add some turmeric and fry it well and add the mincemeat and add some black pepper and salt and fry them constantly until the color of meat changes completely and becomes fried and then remove the pan from heat.
Tenth phase
Now add the chopped vegetables and fry them and then add the cooked cotyledon and rice and pour some turmeric and salt and black pepper on all the ingredients and fold the them slowly and put them aside.
Eleventh phase
Then pour up to the half of a pot some water in a way that grape leaves are easily moved and place the pot on heat so the water starts boiling quicker and pour some salt in it as well and place grape leaves in it and after one minute remove them from water and place them in a strainer.
Twelfth phase
Next pour some cold water on them and wait to get rid of the excessive water. Doing so makes the leaves softer. Then place one of the leaves on the kitchen board and place one full table spoon of the mixture in the middle of the leave.
Thirteenth phase
(if the leaves were small you can use two of them beside each other) and fold the edges of the leave so that it becomes like a square or a pack. get the pot that you’ve chosen for cooking the dolmeh and pour some oil in it.
Fourteenth phase
Place the packed leaves neatly in the pot and cover the bottom fully with dolmeh and then coven the surface of the dolmeh with leaves fully and place a big plate on them, then mix 2 glasses of water with ½ glass of oil.
Fifteenth phase
Then pour it on the ingredients and place it on heat so that the dolmeh cooks for 1 hour and 30 minutes. After the determined time passes pour ½ glass of vinegar and sugar in a milk pan and place it on heat and stir it slowly so the sugar fully dissolves in vinegar and then remove it from heat.
Sixteenth phase
Now chew the leaves on dolmeh and test them and if they were fully cooked pour the mixture of the sugar and vinegar on them and let it boilfor another 30 minutes and become tasty and after it’s ready place the dolmeh in a desired dish and enjoy it.
Cooking dolmeh barge mo with a smooth taste
The most famous spice for dolmeh barge moo is sekanjebin, and if you prepare dolmeh as described above, you’ll have a smooth taste like sekanjebin syrup, because in the recipe sugar has aslo been used to eliminate the sour taste of dolmeh and give it a smooth taste.
If you want sweeter dolmeh, you can add 1 table spoon of sugar. Or if you like the sour taste you can pour more vinegar to make the dolmeh taste sour.
Thanks To Magchi for Dolmeh Barg Mo